audio:7073; APSdigrec_1086; Recording Number: 07; Program Number: 15
"This is sung as a funny song at the end of a peace ceremony. Minnie ends with a waa! which has to be called out if the peace-hostage makes a mistake or says anything that might provoke bad feelings."
audio:6965; APSdigrec_1021; Recording Number: 03; Program Number: 05
Song composed by the singer's father's uncle's sons--a classificatory brother. He was the son of gutcda, the Dry Bay shaman. It is addressed to his young wife. Song introuduced by Emma Ellis in Tlingit.
"[Song] lacks words." Identified in de Laguna's notes as having Tsimshian origins.; Recording concludes with identification of the song by Frederica de Laguna.
audio:7010; APSdigrec_1063; Recording Number: 06; Program Number: 07
"[Song] has Tsimshian words, and was perhaps one obtained about 1900 from Tsimshian sea-otter hunters at Yakutat, because they were sorry they nearly started a fight with the Yakutat Tlingit over a disputed sea-otter. It is used when the teqwedi guests at a potlatch enter and leave the house to which they have been invited."; Recording concludes with identification of the song by Frederica de Laguna.